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Teaching to Our Past

Teaching To Our Students Future

My Past The classroom has changed since my first year of teaching way, way back in 1997.  I had a chalkboard, some colored chalk, and an overhead projector.  There was also a TV hanging from the ceiling for Channel One news.  Year two added an internet connected computer in the …

Technology Hacks for Educators

What is a Hack? Classroom hacks are loosely defined as anything that you can do to make your life easier or anything that can be repurposed outside of its intended use, for your benefit.  If you do a search for classroom hacks on Pinterest, you will find tons of different …

Technology Hacks

Technology Hacks for Educators

What is a Hack? Classroom hacks are loosely defined as anything that you can do to make your life easier or anything that can be repurposed outside of its intended use, for your benefit.  If you do a search for classroom hacks on Pinterest, you will find tons of different …

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