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Technology Hacks for Educators

What is a Hack? Classroom hacks are loosely defined as anything that you can do to make your life easier or anything that can be repurposed outside of its intended use, for your benefit.  If you do a search for classroom hacks on Pinterest, you will find tons of different …

Technology Hacks

Technology Hacks for Educators

What is a Hack? Classroom hacks are loosely defined as anything that you can do to make your life easier or anything that can be repurposed outside of its intended use, for your benefit.  If you do a search for classroom hacks on Pinterest, you will find tons of different …

Social Media, No Computer, No Problem!

Take a look at Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.  Following those rules, can you use the idea in class with your students?  I got some great ideas from Erin Klein.  As a teacher seeking to improve my profession, I use social medial all the time to find great ideas.  Share …

I have A Pinterest Page!

One more post today – since I’m sharing and all!  I have started to develop a couple of boards on Pinterest…I think this could potentially be a fabulous place to store/sort/curate items.  It’s also a super great place to get some great ideas.  I can definitely see where Pinterest can …

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