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Technology Hacks for Educators

What is a Hack? Classroom hacks are loosely defined as anything that you can do to make your life easier or anything that can be repurposed outside of its intended use, for your benefit.  If you do a search for classroom hacks on Pinterest, you will find tons of different …

Technology Hacks

Technology Hacks for Educators

What is a Hack? Classroom hacks are loosely defined as anything that you can do to make your life easier or anything that can be repurposed outside of its intended use, for your benefit.  If you do a search for classroom hacks on Pinterest, you will find tons of different …

#ISTE2014 Day 3: Kevin Carroll!

Once again ISTE delivers – Kevin Carroll of Katalyst fame was the keynote speaker this morning and man what a story of inspiration! Some key take aways for me were: Do amazing magical things; Use Play; That Play is as important as eating, sleeping, and drinking; Play is serious business …

#EdTech Lunch!

I have a passion for educational technology (from here on #edtech) and I know that there is tons of stuff out there that I have no idea about…So I have started up an #EdTech lunch at school!  Why not tap into the greatness that is already in my building: fellow …

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