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blended classroom

Here is the Backside of #Gamification

Well into the the Quest to become Calculus Gods, its time to show how things are working behind the scenes…Most of this information can be found here: Over the summer I tried really hard to come up with different things for the students to purchase.  Here is a list of …

Boss Fighting and Other #Gamification Thoughts

The quest that is Calculus in my classroom this year has really started to turn interesting. Students have officially moved into that space where teachers can start to feel uncomfortable – they are all over the place! I have students blazing through Quest 3A others scheduling their Quest 2 Boss …

An Open Letter to My New Students and Parents!

Hello Moms, Dads, and Guardians!  Greeting Students! I want to let you know how excited I am that I will be your PreAP Precalculus or Calculus teacher this year.  I have been hard at work all summer planning out the super great things that we are going to do and …

The Assignment Wizard by Knowmia!

I love Knowmia!  I host more of my video’s here than on YouTube – both are great places, Knowmia passes our school district’s internet filters.  I wanted to share about how to create an assignment with their assignment wizard.  This a super great way to break longer videos into shorter …

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