This is for you VICI!!

Vici, Oklahoma – I can’t wait to meet you guys!

On this page are links to all of the things that we will talk about and work with on August 6, plus some extras.  Please, Please, Please use the ideas that you generate during our time together for the entire school year.

I love to share and talk with teachers about how to use educational technology in their classrooms – do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions that may come up.  One of the things that frustrated me most was when I would get one day of PD on some cool thing was no support for that particular PD the rest of the year.  Do not allow this to happen!  Email me: or tweet me: @TeachFromHere or reach out in some way!  We can do a Google Hangout, we can Voxer, we can…

It would be super awesome if you visit a couple of the links below and take just a few minutes to answer the questions on these two Padlet links: Padlet 1 and Padlet 2 before we meet – they will guide our discussion!

Bring some brilliant lesson ideas with you August 6, and be #Amazeballs this year!

I will see you soon!



Check out Cybraryman’s Page.  This Link will take you to his Twitter guides.

Social Media

  1. Tackk
  2. Twitter and Periscope
  3. Voxer
  4. Mystery Skype
  5. Pinterest
  6. Google+
  7. WordPress, Blogger, KidBlog


  1. PearDeck
  2. TodaysMeet
  3. Haiku Deck
  4. Edmodo
  5. Padlet
  6. Kahoot
  7. Poll Everywhere
  8. Edutopia

A few apps to investigate

  1. Knowmia (students and teachers)
  2. Inkflow
  3. Animoto (Android & iOS)
  4. Inspiration ($9.99 used for Mapping)
  5. Paper 53
  6. OneNote (Windows Tablets)
  7. Haiku Deck (Web-based)
  8. Pocket (Android & iOS)
  9. Book Creator (Android & iOS)
  10. Popplet
  11. Socrative (for iOS, Android, Chrome Extensions)
  12. PuppetPals
  13. Edmodo (this takes you to the landing page, once you have an account, download the appropriate app)
  14. iMovie ($4.99 or free depending…)
  15. 30 Hands
  16. Sock Puppets
  17. Evernote (Create an account, the download the appropriate versions)
  18. Google Docs (Android & iOS)
  19. Flipboard (Android & iOS)

Coding (Especially for elementary teachers)

  1. Kodable
  2. (this will work with high school students)
  3. Code Quest
  4. Lightbot (this will work with high school students)
  5. Tynker (this will work with high school students)
  6. Hopscotch (this will work with high school students)
  7. Scratch (there are apps for this for younger students)

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