Episode 27 – Financial Literacy in Education

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Podcast Hosts and where to find us on Twitter:
Erin Barnes: twitter.com/ebarnes73
Scott Haselwood: twitter.com/teachfromhere
Who hosted the #oklaed chat and where to find them on Twitter:
Hosted by Jose Fulgencio @MrJRealTalk
Overview of chat topic
Questions from the chat:
1 –
Alright everyone Q1 for #oklaed pic.twitter.com/7tBjgvnWnc
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A1 Having the skills to be a competent manager of ones resources in order to make good decisions #oklaed #retiredhasbeen
— Tom Linihan (@clydesdale2009) August 21, 2017
A1: I define it as teaching what Ss need to know to be financially secure. I think schools define it as teaching about economics. #oklaed https://t.co/HQePVZKFjo
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) August 21, 2017
2 –
Alright everyone Q2 pic.twitter.com/rC4FeLDGaA
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A2 – Poppa Andy. Millionaire who said about buying my truck – "I don't want to tie up that much money." Been driving cheap since. #oklaed
— Travis Barnes (@tbarnes211) August 21, 2017
A2 #oklaed The mean streets of suburbia https://t.co/ql3PL0LiH2
— Rick Cobb (@grendelrick) August 21, 2017
3 –
Alright everyone great conversation Q3 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/hCxH65or7s
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A3 I am not an expert on those standards. However, I do know where they are located and how to find them. That's half the battle. #oklaed
— Kyle Hilterbran (@KyleHilterbran) August 21, 2017
Never taught the course but have looked at standards unless they have changed 4 times last 5 years like other #OKlaed standards https://t.co/Daup27M3oa
— Kevin Hime (@coach57) August 21, 2017
4 –
Alright back to the questions.
Q4. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/cnh5oC0Tq3— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
#OklaEd A4: Best answer: Schools for sure; parents / family AS LONG AS THEY'RE KNOWLEDGEABLE! https://t.co/qAynyjoHV1
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) August 21, 2017
A4: I think that BOTH should take the responsibility. The more information our students have the better their decisions will be! #oklaed https://t.co/twdMD2WDjL
— Krista Steiner (@ProfeSteiner) August 21, 2017
5 –
Alright folks y'all are rocking it tonight. Q5. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/uEg3C2KAOd
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A5 This subject could have the greatest impact on our Ss future and breaking the cycle! It absolutely needs to be a core. #oklaed
— Jason Bengs (@jasonbengs) August 21, 2017
A5: I think it is an important enough subject that each core should implement parts of it via cross curricular lessons. #oklaed https://t.co/jyvB2Rb7S1
— Krista Steiner (@ProfeSteiner) August 21, 2017
6 –
Great conversation. Let's roll into Q6. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/76rl1xeZii
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A6: Seems like not very many adults count back change either. Working my second job, I've been complimented for counting back. #oklaed
— Marilou Barron (@MaestraBarron) August 21, 2017
A6 I think even elementary Ss can start some basic financial literacy. We should find relevant ways to bring this to Ss in early HS. #oklaed
— Mrs. Waters 📚 (@watersenglish) August 21, 2017
7 –
Alright let's go into Q7 #oklaed pic.twitter.com/rCJJxDTFVJ
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A7 Why does it have to be a change of subjects? Why can't it be integrated? We need more integration!!! #oklaed
— Jennifer Seitsinger (@room20awesome) August 21, 2017
#oklaed a7) no, but I'd do both. https://t.co/iuatssPNRs
— PhynyxRising (@PhynyxRising) August 21, 2017
8 –
Great conversation on #finlit different views on the topic and that's great. Let's move onto Q8. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/r38mcoNL88
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A8: I wish someone in my family knew about student loans before I went to college. Ouch! I owe a bunch still. 🙁 #OklaEd https://t.co/uJfM9TVEKH
— Debra Thoreson (@djthoreson) August 21, 2017
A8) BUDGETING!! I can balance a check book, but it doesn't mean I can budget very well! #oklaed
— Jessica Cox (@JessicaCoxNES) August 21, 2017
9 –
Let's keep up the great conversation Q9. #oklaed pic.twitter.com/GgCaeTdKG7
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A9) Important to REALLY convey the importance of scholarships! Many don't fully understand how helpful a "small" SchShp can be!! #oklaed
— Meyer Math WES (@meyermathwes) August 21, 2017
A9: I have begun to focus on building our nest egg. Less than 10 yrs to retirement and I have a long bucket list! #oklaed
— Rob Miller (@edgeblogger) August 21, 2017
10 –
Alright folks last question of the night. Q10. #oklaed Remember @OKECONEDU @OKMoneyMatters can help pic.twitter.com/HTAwHuR7xG
— Mr. J Real Talk (@mrjrealtalk) August 21, 2017
A10 To give our students a chance in life, especially the ones who don't have great role models.#oklaed
— Kyle Hilterbran (@KyleHilterbran) August 21, 2017
A10: To prepare as for the real world #oklaed
— Stephanie Hime (@MrsHime) August 21, 2017
Favorite question and why?
Scott and Erin: Question 8 – What financial advice do you wish you knew growing up?
Boomsauce tweet(s) of the night:
#OklaEd A9: My Dairy Queen bill … https://t.co/udXjc4TBw2
— John Bennett (@jcbjr) August 21, 2017
100% agree with this. #OklaEd https://t.co/LXdP4bRyrc
— Stephanie Bice (@stephaniebice) August 21, 2017
Next week on the #oklaed chat
Kimberly Blodgett @kimberblodgett
@mrjrealtalk Moderating tonight's #OklaEd 8PM CST @DelCityStuCo and @KimberBlodgett to follow! pic.twitter.com/3WijGy0OCi
— Anne Beck ✌🏻❤️& 🔲 (@MrsBeck25) August 20, 2017
Join us at 8 PM CST Sunday for
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