Lots of Ideas for OTA/Encyclomedia 2015!!

I love sharing with other teachers, its one of the top things that I love about teaching and especially why I love conferences – good ones, like OTA/Encyclomdia.  Teachers have the opportunity to grow in their craft, to learn new things, get new ideas, have a-ha moments, and share extraordinary …

The Grandaddy of Trig Identities!

The challenged was issued by the most brilliant of educators: BlueCereal – a genius among us smart folks!  He suggested a post about our favorite content – challenge accepted Mr. Cereal! I taught high school math for over 18 years before embarking on my current journey as a full time Ph.D …

#Oklaed – This One is for You!!

One of the best things about the beginning of my week is the #oklaed chat Sunday at 8:00 CST.  I can’t tell you how much energy this chat gives me.  The ideas, the passion, the issues, the suggestions, the conversation – it often keeps me up well past my usual …

Success Defined

Let me start be telling you what success isn’t: its not winning the lottery, its not getting the big bargain, its not getting perfect grades, its not making a million dollars… These examples could be used to describe success, but that would depend on the person.  I think that most …


On my bucket list is giving a TED talk.  I could listen/watch Sir Ken Robinson or Jane McGonigal all day long!  These amazing people inspire me because of what they believe about the two areas that I am so interested in researching: education and gaming.  Having the opportunity to speak …

If I Am the #Oklaed King for a Day!

600 words or less – what would I do for education in Oklahoma…most of my experiences are centered on the high school – it’s where I lived for 18.5 years. #1 – Completely reorganize the way that high school looks.  No more seven period days.  No more mandatory credits, no …


Ok kids – I have done it… One of the dreams that I have is the opportunity to give a TED Talk.  I am now one step closer to this reality!  I had posted earlier what my TED Talk would look like, read it here… For TEDxOStateU this post would …

I’m Grumpy

Maybe because my youngest daughter gets up really early causing lack of sleep. Maybe its grad school keeping my mind busy at all hours causing lack of sleep. Maybe its a combo of the two above… Maybe I am worn out. Worn out from the obsession that people have about …

My TED Talk: Teachers Find Your Courage

Why we need our courage back As teachers, we get so into our day to day lives, lesson planning, collaborating, working with students, struggling with things outside of our control, making copies….All of these little things that happen during the day and demand our time and attention.  Before you know …

CEOC – Inspire

I love talking with other teachers – it gives so many opportunities to share what we do.  Below are the links for all of the presentations that I had today.  Please have a look if you missed something or even if you didn’t! Dialogue is important – if there are …

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