Dissertation Research Consent
Twitter Chats and the Evolution of Teacher Professional Development
Consent to be a Research Subject in Survey
This study is being conducted to determine what role Twitter plays in professional development for teachers.
If you agree to participate in this research study, you will participate in an 8-question survey by clicking the link in this document under the section titled Survey.
There are minimal risks for participation in this study. If you feel uncomfortable answering a particular question, you may choose to not answer that question, or discontinue the study altogether.
There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this study. It is hoped that through your participation, you and the research team will learn more about the use of Twitter as a tool to provide and participate in professional development for teachers.
There are two types of participation in this study. Participation in the survey is voluntary and confidential. You do not have to give your name, phone number, address or other personal information. However, you may choose to share your Twitter username, to be contacted at a later time for an interview. In the event of any publication or presentation resulting from this study, no personally identifiable information will be shared and your name will not be linked to any responses. Survey data will be stored in a Google Sheet or Excel sheet until it has been deleted by the primary investigator.
Your confidentiality will be kept to the degree permitted by the technology being used. No guarantees can be made regarding the interception of data sent via the Internet by any third parties.
You will receive no compensation for participating in this study.
Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw at any time or refuse to participate entirely.
Questions about the Research
If you have questions regarding this study, you may contact Scott Haselwood (scott.haselwood@okstate.edu) or Dr. Tutaleni Asino (tutaleni.asino@okstate.edu).
Questions about your Rights as Research Participants
If you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant, you may contact IRB Administrator, at 405-744-3377 or email irb@okstate.edu
To participate in this survey, please click this link: https://goo.gl/forms/JLnthWy8uDkwlgzg1
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval